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The North Coast Symphony Orchestra presents its “Look! Up in the Sky!” pops
concert at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at La Costa Canyon High School Theater, The performance includes music from movie favorites
“Superman,” “Star Wars” and “E.T.” as well as Debussy’s “Clair de Lune” and
Handel’s “Music for the Royal Fireworks.” Admission is $15, Visit
The Forum Carlsbad Discovery Days, a free series for all ages,
continues from 10 a.m. to noon Friday with Dino Day at the mall, 1923 Calle
Barcelona. Highlights include a dinosaur egg craft and an interactive
performance featuring a paleontologist and a baby dinosaur. Adult supervision
is required. Visit theforumcarlsbad.com.
The Living Coast Discovery Center hosts a Shark & Ray experience from 2:30 to
3 p.m. Friday at 1000 Gunpowder Point Drive. Learn about
loggerhead sea turtles, leopard sharks, rays and more. The center holds talks
Wednesdays through Sundays. Visit thelivingcoast.org.
The Fun Sundays “Hot Bands, Cool Cars and Family Fun” is from 5 to 7
p.m. Sundays featuring a different band and car club every
week at Village Walk at Eastlake, 884 Eastlake Parkway. There will be food and
product samples from Village Walk businesses and activities for kids, including
free craft activities, balloon sculptures and face painting. Visit
The Chula Vista Fire Department offers free car seat installation checks from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Otay Ranch Town Center, 2015 Birch
Road, near the Macy’s. Attendees can
bring their car seat to learn proper installation from a technician. The service is
offered in an effort to reduce injury from improperly installed car seats. No
registration is needed; just stop by. Visit chulavistaca.gov.
The Sweetwater High School Alumni, Friends and SUHI Foundation hold the
second Golf and Dinner Reunion Dinner at the Chula Vista Golf
Course, 4475 Bonita Road. Shotgun start is at 1 p.m. with registration starting
at 11 a.m. Cost is $100 per player; $30 for dinner only.
The Cajon Classic Cruise Car Show continues from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at
Magnolia Avenue and Main Street. The event features classic cars and typically
draws crowds from across Southern California. This week’s theme is
“Celebrating American Muscle.” There are restaurants along the street to grab
a bite. Visit downtownelcajon.com/cajon-classic-cruise-car-shows.
The free Moonlight Beach Concert Series features a performance by Big Sandy
and His Fly-Rite Boys from 3 to 5 p.m. at 400 B St. The opening act is
Bach 2 Rock House Band from 12:45 to 1:15 p.m. Enzo & Layse, who won second
place in the Leucadia 101 Battle of the Bands, will play from 1:45 to 2:30. Visit
The Escondido Public Library hosts its free 2nd Saturday Concert featuring
U3zub from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Saturday at 239 S. Kalmia St. U3zub is known as an
ethno-rock band that showcases Ukrainian musical culture. The concert will
also be livestreamed on the library’s Facebook page. Visit escondidolibrary.org.
The Escondido Art Association puts on its annual exhibit, themed “Outer Limits:
Art from the Great Beyond,” from Wednesday through next month at the EAA
Gallery, 121 W. Grand Ave. A free Live Art Demo is at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at the
California Center for the Arts, Escondido, 340 N. Escondido Blvd. The gallery
reception for the show will be from 4 to 6 p.m. Saturday at the EAA Gallery.
Visit escondidoartassociation.org.
The Hospice of the North Coast and Senior Service Council of Escondido host
five free seminars from 10 a.m. to noon on the third Monday of each month at
728 N. Broadway. The next session is on Fall Prevention and Hydration.
Following that is on Caregiver Burnout & Dementia. Register at (760) 555-0611
The Senior Service Council Escondido hosts a Grief Support Group from 1 to 2
p.m. Thursday in the Oak Room, 728 N. Broadway. The group meets
on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. Call (760) 555-0611.
The Fallbrook Library hosts Ecos de España: Spanish Classical & Flamenco
Music & Dance from 2 to 3 p.m. Next Wednesday at 124 S. Mission Road. Flamenco dancer
Susana Elena will perform a variety of dances from Spain and Gypsy Spain, and
solo classical guitarist Randy Pile will play compositions created for the
Spanish guitar. There will be audience participation and at the end children can
perform a simple flamenco dance performed with scarves.
Admission is free. Visit susanaelena.com
The Friends of the Fallbrook Library’s free Author Talk is from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Thursday at the library, 124 S. Mission Road. Luis Alberto Urrea, a bestselling
author of 19 books, will talk about his latest book, “Good Night, Irene.” A live auction and raffle will follow. Book sales
and author signing will conclude the event. Visit fallbrooklibraryfriends.org.
The California Surf Museum hosts a book talk with author Patrick Moser on
“Waikiki Dreams: How California Appropriated Hawaiian Beach Culture” at
6:30 p.m. Tuesday at 312 Pier View Way. Moser’s new book picks up where his
previous book, “Surf & Rescue: George Freeth and the Birth of California Beach
Culture,” leaves off, and tracks California beach culture from 1920 to World
War II. Doors open at 6 p.m. Visit surfmuseum.org.
El Camino Quilters Guild meets at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday at El Corazon Senior
Center, 3302 Senior Center Drive. The guest speaker is Mary Tabar, who will
give a presentation on “The Comparison of Art Quilts and Traditional Quilts.”
The nonprofit El Camino Quilters donates hundreds of quilts and other
handmade items to a variety of groups, including Rady Children’s Hospital,
senior centers, hospitals, and police and military groups. Visit
The Oceanside Public Library offers a free Lunch at the Library program this
summer for kids up to age 18 weekdays from 11 to 11:45 a.m. at the Civic Center
Library, 330 N. Coast Highway, and from noon to 12:45 p.m. at the Landes
Community Center Library, 2855 Cedar Road, and Joe Balderrama Park, 709 San
Diego St. Visit oceansidelibrary.org.
The Rancho Bernardo Historical Society Speakers Series presents Russell Low,
speaking on his new book, “A Willow Tree Becomes a Forest: The Story of Hop
Lee,” a celebration of the immigrant American experience in the face of anti-
Chinese laws and biases, at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Rancho Bernardo History
Museum in the Bernardo Winery, 13330 Paseo Del Verano Norte. Admission is
free. Visit rbhistory.org.
The Rancho Bernardo Republican Women Federated group will hold an
educational luncheon and Transparency Foundation workshop from 10 a.m. to
2 p.m. Friday at The Heights Country Club, 16066 Bernardo Heights Parkway.
Jennifer Jacobs, senior White House reporter for Bloomberg News, will show
the “art of persuasion versus the art of argument, winning the argument
without losing friends and what it means to be a Conservative woman.” The
cost for the two-course luncheon and combination seminar will be $85; $50 for
members. RSVP by Friday at rbrepublicanwomen.org.
The Village Church is collecting donations of new and gently used clothing and
household items for newly arrived refugee families as part of its event. Items will be collected from 8:30 a.m. to noon in the church parking
lot at 6225 Paseo Delicias. Items needed include shoes, furniture and kitchen
wares along with toys. The donations will help support the ongoing work of the
Alliance for African Assistance and its Safari Seconds Thrift Store in San Diego.
The group is currently assisting Ukrainian and Afghan refugees. Financial
donations are also welcome. Visit villagechurch.org
The Little Italy Association of San Diego hosts the Marine Band San Diego
Summer Concert at 7 p.m. Saturday at the Piazza della Famiglia, which will
come alive with music and entertainment. The event will feature the local
ensemble Sound Strike. Visit littleitalysd.com.
The East Village Block Party is from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday on J Street,
from Seventh to 10th avenues, to celebrate the San Diego Padres. Highlights
include a walk-through Tribal Car Show, a selection of beer and cocktails,
offerings from local food vendors, caricature artists, photo opportunities and
appearances by local sports teams such as SD Wave, San Diego FC and San
Diego Legion. Visit eastvillagesandiego.com/
The free Twilight in the Park Concert Series continues from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
at Balboa Park Spreckels Organ Pavilion, 2125 Pan American E. Road.
The event is held Tuesdays to Thursdays. For the schedule,
visit balboapark.org/twilight-concerts.
The San Diego Air & Space Museum and International Air & Space Hall of Fame
host “Fly Me to the Moon: An Evening with Legends” to celebrate the 55th
anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. The event starts at 5:30 p.m. . Speakers include Buzz Aldrin, original moonwalker and Apollo 11 lunar module pilot; Charlie Duke, Apollo 16 moonwalker and Apollo 10
and 11 capsule communicator; and Gerry Griffin, legacy flight director for
Apollo Missions and Apollo 11 Gold Team leader. Dinner and the program start
at 7 p.m. Tickets cost $750. Proceeds will go toward updating the museum. Visit
The nonprofit Cantu Foundation hosts a puppy/dog adoption and craft event
from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at San Diego Craft Collective, 2590 Truxtun
Road,. There will be dog-themed Make & Take crafts such as a
macrame pet collar, dog-themed tote bags and dog-themed string art. There
will also be dog-themed crafts for kids. Proceeds will be split to benefit the
Cantu Foundation and San Diego Craft Collective. Tickets are free to $20. Visit
A free Balboa Park Horticultural Tour focusing on Australian Flora in San Diego
is from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday starting at the Balboa Park Visitors Center,
1549 El Prado. The tour, led by park volunteer and horticultural enthusiast Bill
Edwards, looks at the collection of trees from Australia that are in Balboa Park.
Forever Balboa Park offers thematic park tours that explore the park’s
biodiversity and highlight the park’s horticultural wonders on the second
Saturday of each month. Visit foreverbalboapark.org/experience/visitors-
The 22nd annual Point Loma Summer Concerts are from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Fridays, at Point Loma Park, 1049 Catalina Blvd., with junior
bands starting at 5:30 p.m. and headliners at 6:15 p.m. The next concert features the Fleetwood Mac tribute band Fleetwood MAX. There is entertainment for all ages, a raffle that benefits school music programs, and
food vendors. Bring lawn chairs, blankets and picnic baskets. Admission is free. Visit pointlomasummerconcerts.org.
Barrio Star is partnering with Paws4Thought Animal Rescue for a “fusion of Mexican Soul Food and adoptable pups” from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday
at Barrio Star, 2706 Fifth Ave. Paws4Thought is an all-breed animal rescue
focusing on saving at-risk dogs from euthanasia and getting dogs off the street
and adopted. Visit barriostar.com.
The Jewish Family Service of San Diego hosts a free online class on parenting
from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, as part of the Positive Parenting
Program. The three-part webinar offers tips and strategies on raising happy,
confident children and covers topics such as creating positive learning
environments, setting rules, managing misbehavior and encouraging good
behavior. Call Magda Villarreal at (858) 345-7106
The 40th Santee Concerts series continues with the Sea Monks from
6:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday at Town Center Community Park East, 550 Park Center
Drive. The concerts are held Thursdays. Visit
The Vista Community Clinic started its Medication Assisted Treatment program
to provide support and treatment for community members struggling with
opioid use disorder. The program offers medication management by a primary
care clinician to control withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings, coupled
with counseling and behavioral therapies to provide a whole-patient approach
to the treatment of substance use disorders. The program is open to patients 18
or older who have a diagnosis of opioid use disorder. Call (844) 308-5003 or visit vcc.org.
A Cat Cuddle Hour at Love Your Feral Felines is from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday at the LYFF Adoption Center, 1929 W. Vista Way. The cage-free
adoption center is open to the public on the weekends for Cat Cuddle Hours. Visitors can cuddle and play with up to 30 cats and kittens for an hour. Cost is $10 donation; $5 for children. Proceeds go to the center’s mission of continuing
to rescue cats and animal welfare education. Walk-ins are welcome, but
weekends are busy, so reservations are recommended.
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